windows 10

The question of disabling Windows 10 services and for which of them you can safely change the startup type are usually interested in in order to improve system performance. While this may indeed slightly speed up the performance of your computer or laptop, I do not recommend disabling services for those users who do not know how to independently solve the problems that could theoretically arise after this. Actually, I generally don’t recommend disabling Windows 10 system services.

windows 10
Below is a list of services that can be disabled in Windows 10, information on how to do this, as well as some explanations for individual items. Again, do this only if you know what you are doing. If in this way you just want to remove the “brakes” that are already in the system, then disabling services most likely will not work, it is better to pay attention to what is described in the instructions How to speed up Windows 10 , as well as to install the official drivers for your hardware. The first two sections of the guide describe how to manually disable Windows 10 services, and also contain a list of those that are safe to disable in most cases. The third section is about a free program that can automatically disable “unnecessary” services, and also return all settings to their default values if something goes wrong. And at the end of the video there is an instruction, which shows everything described above.

How to disable services in Windows 10

Let’s start by looking at how services are disabled. This can be done in several ways, of which the recommended one is to enter “Services” by pressing Win + R on the keyboard and enter services.msc or through the item in the control panel “Administrative Tools” – “Services” (the second way is to enter msconfig on the “Services “). As a result, a window is launched with a list of Windows 10 services, their status and startup type. By double-clicking on any of them, you can stop or start the service, as well as change the startup type. Startup types are: Automatic (and deferred option) – starting the service when you log on to Windows 10, manually – starting the service at the moment when it was needed by the OS or some program, disabled – the service cannot be started.

In addition, I note that the service settings affect all Windows 10 users. The default settings themselves are located in the registry branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ services \ – you can pre-export this section using the registry editor to be able to quickly restore the values by default. Better yet, create a Windows 10 restore point first , in which case you can use it from Safe Mode.
And one more note: you can not only disable some of the services, but also remove them by removing the Windows 10 components you do not need. You can do this through the control panel (you can enter it through the right click on start) – programs and components – enable or disable Windows components.

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Windows 10 Services that can be disabled

Below is a list of Windows 10 services that you can disable No harm to Pc.
Also for individual services, I have provided additional notes that can help you decide whether to disable a particular service.

• Fax
• NVIDIA Stereoscopic 3D Driver Service (for NVidia graphics cards if you are not using 3D stereo images)
• Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service
• Working folders
• AllJoyn Router Service
• Application Identity
BitLocker Drive Encryption Service
• Bluetooth support service (if you are not using Bluetooth)
• Client License Service (Clip SVC, Windows 10 Store apps may not work properly after disconnection)
• Computer browser
• Dmwappush service
• Geographic location service
• Communications Service (Hyper-V). It only makes sense to disable Hyper-V services
• Guest Shutdown Service (Hyper-V)
• Heart Rate Service (Hyper-V)
• Hyper-V Virtual Machine Session Service
• Hyper-V Time Synchronization Service
• Communications Service (Hyper-V)
• Hyper-V Remote Desktop Virtualization Service
• Sensor monitoring service
• Sensor data service
• Sensor service
• Connected user functionality and telemetry (This is one of the items to turn off Windows 10 tracking )
• Internet Connection Sharing (ICS). Provided that you are not using Internet sharing features such as sharing Wi-Fi from a laptop .
• Xbox Live Networking Service
• Superfetch (assuming you are using an SSD)
• Print Manager (unless you’re using print features, including Windows 10 built-in PDF printing)
• Windows biometric service
• Remote registry
• Secondary login (assuming you are not using it)

If you are not a stranger to English, then perhaps the most complete information about Windows 10 services in different editions, their default startup parameters and safe values.

Windows 10 Easy Service Optimizer shutdown software

And now about the free program for optimizing the start-up parameters of Windows 10 services – Easy Service Optimizer, which allows you to easily disable unused OS services according to three pre-installed scenarios: Safe, Optimal and Extreme. Attention: I highly recommend creating a restore point before using the program.

I can’t vouch, but perhaps using such a program for a novice user will be a safer option than manually disabling services (or even better for a beginner not to touch anything in the service settings), since it makes returning to the original settings easier.

The Easy Service Optimizer interface is in Russian (if it has not turned on automatically, go to Options – Languages) and the program does not require installation. After starting, you will see a list of services, their current state and startup parameters.

At the bottom there are four buttons that allow you to enable the default state of services, a safe option for disabling services, optimal and extreme. The planned changes are immediately displayed in the window, and by clicking the upper left icon (or by choosing “File” – “Apply settings” in the menu), the parameters are applied.

By double-clicking on any of the services, you can see its name, startup type and safe startup values that will be applied by the program when choosing its various settings. Among other things, through the context menu by right-clicking on any service, you can delete it (I do not recommend it).

By win11

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