Tip 1: set general data protection

Windows 10 is inherently, with the standard settings, an inquisitive operating system that grants itself a lot of rights and collects a lot of user data. Usually this is not a problem, because Windows uses this data to customize the operating system. However, you can configure all the settings in Windows 10 for general data protection according to your wishes and switch them off or adjust them accordingly.

To do so by pressing the Windows Tas-th and i the settings and then select data protection from. You will see the left sub-items as Kame-ra or micro-fon , you can click individually to the rights of use for Microsoft with the slider off.

Example: Under the item camera you find the point Apps to use my camera Eger-ben . Here you can choose between On and Off or grant specific access to individual apps. If you generally for a decision, you also grant access to the Windows 10 use. If you switch off the function completely, it can happen that certain functions of Windows 10 can only be used to a limited extent or not at all, for example a Skype video call. As a user, you have to weigh up whether security or convenience is more important to you.

Windows 10: With these 6 tips, your private data is safe

Tip 2: switch off Cortana

The Cortana virtual assistant is designed to help find a solution quickly to many questions and problems. She understands both typed questions and, if a microphone is connected, spoken questions. For Cortana to work properly, however, you need to give Cortana extensive access to your behavior, contacts, and more.

If you do not want that, you can also switch Cortana off. To do so again in the gen A-stel-lun . Under voice recognition, hands-free and one-ga-be can park Cortana. All you have to do is set the slide switch to Off . To prevent all Cortana data collections, you should go to the Bing website under Manage cloud information in the same menu and go to Settings. Here you can delete the personal data already collected.

Tip 3: configure Microsoft Browser Edge

Microsoft’s new browser Edge works closely with the company’s own search engine Bing and the news service MSN – also a Microsoft product. As a result, user behavior is analyzed, the location is transmitted and every page visited is transmitted directly to Microsoft. If you do not want that, you can configure the Microsoft Edge browser accordingly.

To change the settings, click the icon with the three dots in the upper right corner of the Edge browser window. Now open the menu A-stel-lun-gen and then open it with new tabs . Here you select Empty Be th out, hide suggested MSN content. Under Advanced A-stel-lun-gen you will also find the sliders search suggestions when entering View, page forecast ver-wen-to and my PC with SmartScreen for malicious websites and downloads Shakers-zen . If you set this to OffEdge is decidedly less curious and no longer forwards data on your browsing behavior. Here you can also switch off Cortana separately for Bing.

Tip 4: turn off suggestions from Windows 10

If you are logged on to Windows 10 with a Microsoft account – and most users are the – makes your operating system each time the computer offers, which apps interesting or useful ten-could be for you . For these tips, the operating system collects data about which apps and programs are on the computer and have been downloaded. The use of certain programs and apps is also recorded. You do not want that Microsoft collects this information, go to the A-stel-lun-gen and there in the menu Per-so-na-li-she-tionto deactivate the function for the lock screen and the start menu. And the tips – and the associated data transfer – are history. If you want to use this service, there is no alternative to the associated data transfer.

Tip 5: slow down curious apps

Many apps require access to your data in order for them to work at all. Windows 10 collects this information and makes it available to the apps by default. For example, about the location of the user, his surfing behavior on the Internet and much more. This can help the app do its job well, but some personal information is also used.

Data collection can be on the menu one-stel-lun-gen under protection data unwind. Simply change the data protection option under the data protection option , set all sliders to Off and the curiosity of the apps is over. However, if you want or even have to allow certain apps or programs to use certain data in order for them to work, you can do this yourself in the settings of the relevant apps. This gives you better control over which applications you allow access to your data – and which not.

Tip 6: Use OneDrive with a password

Windows provides every user with 5 GB of free space on the OneDrive online hard drive by default. Microsoft reserves the right to scan photo files. This is justified with the search for illegal content. Going OneDrive without that Microsoft sees your images, there is only one option: to protect the images in a separate encrypted container that you hen ver-se-with a password . You can put several images in a container and then encrypt it with a password.

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