Windows Explorer

The Back to and Forward buttons buttons forward backward allow you to navigate backwards (to the folder we came from) and forwards (if we have used the back button). We can also use the delete key located above ENTRAR to go back.

The computer keeps a history of the folders that we are visiting within that same window to allow us to go back and forth. We can have this list in the small arrow on the right. When pressed, it is displayed and allows us to choose a location directly, without having to go forward or backward step by step.

  1. Address bar .address bar

This bar tells us where we are located and what other folders are at the same hierarchical level.

Let’s understand it better with the image of the example. In the address bar of the image we can interpret the following:

We see three levels of folders, as many as black arrows appear small arrow. From left to right are the main level, Libraries and Images.

We are located in the Images folder, because it is the one that appears to the right. Therefore, the file list that we saw corresponds to the contents of Images Folders are always contained within the one to their left.

Windows Explorer

Arrow displayed if we want to go to the Libraries folder, just click on it directly. We can also use the arrows small arrow to see which folders contain Libraries without moving from Images. Two details must be taken into account: that the contents of the folder can always be seen from the arrow to the right of its name and that in the drop-down that appears when clicking on it, no files such as text documents or images appear, and simply its subfolders are displayed.

Few More Things You should Know

If we click on the small triangle at the end of the address bar, small arrow drop-down will open with the last folders we have visited and by clicking on any of them we will move to that location.

The Refresh Reload button to the right of the address is used to reload the contents of the current folder, although most of the time it is updated automatically.

You can write directly on the address bar, just click on it and type the path or address of a folder, then you have to press the key ENTER or the button Go button that will appear in the position where the button usually is Reload button. Notice that when you click on the address bar, the address format changes to the absolute address: Libraries \ Images.

If we write a web address directly, pressing the button will go button automatically open the Internet Explorer web browser to access that page.

When you start typing in the address bar, a drop-down will open with addresses similar to the one we are typing, if we click on one of them we will go directly to that address. Remember that you also have the Back to and Forward buttons that we just saw and that are usually a faster method to navigate recently visited folders.

orange ball3. Search box buttons forward backward . This box starts the search automatically when you type the first letter, without having to press any button. Look in the folder in which we are located and in all its subfolders, if it has them. For example, in this case we could search for any content in the Pictures folder but it would not find information from the Music or Documents folder.

Orange ball4. Toolbar

This bar contains buttons for the most used operations, in this way it speeds up our work since we have the most necessary at hand. This bar adapts to the type of files on the screen, that is, the buttons on the bar are different depending on where we are. For example, if we are viewing music files, a Play button will appear to listen to a file; If we are viewing image files, a button will appear to view a Presentation of the images.

Preview On the right are three buttons: Change the view , Show the preview pane, and Get help .toolbar

Change view is Change view button used to choose what information we will see in the File List . We will see in detail later.

Show the preview panel View preview pane button will open a new panel to the right of the File List in which we will see the preview of the image or the selected document. We can also activate this option from the Organize menu , select Design and then Preview Panel . Preview is not available for all document types.

Get help Help button displays a Windows help window to learn more about the browser or any other Windows 7 function.

5. Navigation panel .

Navigation panel Only drives and folders appear in this pane, not files. We see them arranged hierarchically and we distinguish which folder belongs to which other thanks to a slight tab to the right. That is, it has a tree structure, with its ramifications. For example, in this image there are four main folders that contain other folders:

Favorites : Contains Downloads , Desktop, and Recent Sites . Recent sites can be very useful, because it saves a direct link to the last visited folders.

Libraries : Contains Documents , Images , Music and Videos . In addition, we are located in images, which contains My Images and Public Images . But Logo aulaClic does not appear within Images , because it is a Team .


We also see small arrows next to the name of each folder. These arrows allow, by clicking on them, to expand or contract a folder, that is, to show or hide its subfolders without having to open them.

By win11

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